Download and listen to audiobooks from your library using the EBSCO Audiobooks app on your Apple device!
EBSCO Audiobooks offers thousands of exciting titles from the world’s best publishers. EBSCO’s extensive collection of content offers something for every listener, including best-selling fiction and non-fiction, award-winning children’s and young adult books, and more.
To log into the app, you’ll need a valid My EBSCOhost account with a participating library, school, or other institution.
Audiobooks checked out to that account on EBSCOhost are immediately available for listening on your device.
Audiobooks are available online or when disconnected: once a book is downloaded to your device you can listen even if you’re not connected to Wi-Fi or data.
When you’re done listening, you can delete audiobooks in the app to reduce the amount of data stored on your device.
Don’t see your favorite title? Contact your librarian to request titles you’d like them to add to the collection.